Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Silly the Worry Worm

Today Liz had her second behavior therapy appointment, and I brought up the fact that she tends to have severe separation anxiety when it comes to me.  I'm going out of town this weekend for a student council function, and I'm going to be gone for two nights and three days.  She has been outright begging me to not leave her, and crying that she wants to go with me.  I've tried explaining to her that she can't go, why she can't go, and that The Husband will be there to take care of her, but she is definitely not listening. 

The doctor asked her why she didn't want me leaving her, and she told her that she was afraid of being alone.  The doctor did manage to get it out of her that she wouldn't really be alone because The Husband would be there to take care of her.

To help Liz manage her anxiety, the doctor had her draw a Worry Worm.  Any time Liz starts to feel anxiety or worry about me not being with her, she is to tell the Worry Worm that she doesn't need to worry because her mommy loves her and she is always taken care of.

Liz's Worry Worm is bright pink with purple spots.  He's wearing a brown hat, and he is flying a blue kite.  She made sure to draw a tree next to him with a door because that's where the Worry Worm works making buttons.  We ended up naming him Silly the Worry Worm because Liz realized that sometimes it is silly to worry.

Tonight we have to find a place for Silly the Worry Worm to hang so that Liz can have her regular conversations with him, to let him know that she isn't going to worry anymore.

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