Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Book Recommendation

Over Spring Break, I picked up a book called "Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid."  I'm not really sure why I picked it up, but for some reason, it called to me.  I found that when I was reading it, I couldn't put it down, and I was literally laughing out loud.  The authors are Gina Gallagher and Patricia Konjoian, and they're sisters, both with daughters that have special needs.  They simply wrote about their experiences with diagnosing their children, adapting to their new lifestyles, finding the right treatments for their kids, finding the right school environment for their kids, etc.  I don't think I have ever laughed so much while reading about a subject matter that was so sad.  In the end, it ended up being hopeful and supportive, and it is everything a book about raising a child with special needs should be.

I believe every parent should read this book.  Not only will it be helpful in accepting the diagnosis your child is facing, but it could also help parents to accept when their child isn't exactly how they expected they would be.  Embrace the imperfection because there is beauty in it.  Every child is a miracle, and focusing on what could have been will not help you or your child live your life. 

I've emailed the authors of the book, and I've joined their facebook group.  I seriously suggest you do the same.  It's a wonderful support group, filled with humor and unconditional love. 

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