Tuesday, March 8, 2011


My daughter has always, always had sensory overload issues.  In the past, it's only really manifested about once or twice a month, and usually it was in correlation with her being off of ADHD meds.  About three years ago, her episodes were especially violent, so we had a video EEG done.  She had a rage while being monitored, and all that was shown on the EEG was abnormal brain activity.  I had a moment where I kind of thought to myself, "No kidding...jeez...wish I had thought of that!!" 

After she started her ADHD meds, her rages tapered off, and like I said, only really manifested when she was off of her meds.  Since Christmas, they're becoming more frequent again, and now they're coming once, sometimes two to three times a day.  They're violent.  Last weekend, while she was having one, she kicked me in the head, and started hitting and scratching me.  Yesterday, she had one and bit me.  This morning, while in the middle of one, she started slamming her head in to the wall over and over again.

I've been documenting all of this, and I called her neurologist.  He wants her to start behavior therapy.  I think this is a wonderful, amazing, appropriate idea.  The best part?  I didn't have to fight with the insurance company to make it happen!! (Watch...I'll say that, and then the insurance company will suddenly become an issue)  Her first appointment is next week during our spring break.  I hold so much hope that this will be the help we need.  I know the answer won't come immediately, but I'm so hopeful that over time, it will be the answer to our prayers.

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