Sunday, March 27, 2011


Today we had to get Liz's 100 mg dosage of carbatrol refilled.  The Husband called it in, and went to go pick it up.  We spend so much time getting meds refilled that we have become friendly with the pharmacy staff.  Today, Ben the Pharmacy Tech talked to The Husband about The Husband's taste in music, specifically his love for Nine Inch Nails.  The Husband called me, and the following phone conversation ensued.

Me: Hello?

The Husband: Hey, I got her meds, and Ben the Pharmacy Tech says, "HI!"

Me: Hi, Ben the Pharmacy Tech.

The Husband: Yeah, he knew about my love for Nine Inch Nails.  At first it confused me, but then Ben said, "Yeah, I was looking forward to her coming in because we always have the best conversations, but it's cool that you're here.  So, you like Nine Inch Nails and Trent Reznor?"

Me: Laughing hysterically.

Our "normal" is making friends with the pharmacy staff, and them knowing details about our likes and dislikes as far as musical tastes.  Because of the constant check of "Can you varify her birthday for me?", they're more familiar with Liz's birthday than our friends and family (close friends and family excluded!!).  Once upon a time not that long ago, I would have found that depressing.  Because when you think about it, it kind of is, but now I find it funny.  And hey, there's always room for more friends in your life, right?  And if their interest puts a smile on my face, even for just a little while, then I kind of think it's awesome.  Over the last two and a half years, we've gone from being pharmacy staff and customer to friendly acquaintances.  That kind of makes me happy. Plus, the Wal-Mart Pharmacy should be thrilled that they have such an awesome, welcoming staff, especially with Ben the Pharmacy Tech.

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