Thursday, April 28, 2011

Liz's Birthday

Today, my very awesome kiddo turns eight years old.  Normally the day would have started with much celebration, and a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday To You," but not today.  No, today started with me dragging her out of bed by her feet, which is actually normal.  Then she got dressed, and I pinned her "Birthday Girl" ribbon to her chest.  Again, she was fine.  The big problem came when I went to brush her hair and teeth.  Sensory issues overload.  I had to hold that child down to do both.  There was much screaming and fightingand kicking and scratching.  After nearly half an hour, I managed to get her ready for school.  Ten minutes after that, she was fine.

Her sensory issues are just getting worse, and I honestly don't know that her behavior therapy is helping with that.  I'm just at a loss there.  I know so much of it is not her fault, but in the same respect, she can't keep going on like this. 

This weekend is her birthday party.  I've sent out two rounds of invitations in the hopes that someone will RSVP.  So far, no one has.  I'm really hoping that people just aren't calling, and they'll show up.  On the upside, after the little girl party, there's going to be a separate party for all the adults in her life that want to celebrate with her.  I KNOW that one will be a success. :-)

Have a great day, everyone.


Teri said...

You really should check out the Censory place I Dawn and ask her questions. Her 2nd oldest was here for it. I think it really helped him. My neighbors son also did it...he has Aspergers...I can do more checking on it if you want. I'm so glad her parties were a success.

Marisa Nave said...

I just did. I submitted our information, and hopefully, I'll hear something from them soon. Thanks for the information!!