Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Home Again, Home Again...Tra, La, La, La,

I am so overwhelmingly happy to be home.  The Husband and Liz picked me up this afternoon after several hours on a yellow bus.  I hadn't seen them since about 6:15 Sunday morning, and let me tell ya...that was TOO LONG!!  I missed my sweet girl and The Husband.

Let me just say that I am exhausted, but it is that sweet, happy exhausted.  I spent the last 3 days with 4,500 high school students.  Sometimes I was annoyed, and sometimes I was tired and short tempered.  When it came down to it, I enjoyed the heck out of my time at the state convention, and honestly, I would do it again next week.  I work with a really great group of kids.  Teenagers get such a bad rap, but honestly, they're some of the coolest people on the planet.

Sadly, our sister school lost their bid for the vice president's position for the State of Texas.  I know they were bummed because they worked REALLY hard, but I also know that they learned from their experience.  They'll approach it next time, and I have every confidence that they'll win it. 

Like I said yesterday, I still consider it a win.  They educated 4,500 teenagers and a couple hundred adults about epilepsy.  That is an accomplishment.  One of their sweet students looked at me as he was getting off the bus, and said, "Thanks for letting us use epilepsy."  I said, "Thank YOU for wanting to do it."  They were awesome.

So, where do we go from here?  Well, I'll keep writing this blog, and doing my part for advocacy.  I'm pondering what we'll do for advocacy next year for epilepsy awareness.  The potential is there, and it will be awesome.

I'm saying awesome a lot tonight.  Awesome.

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