Monday, April 18, 2011

Birthday Parties...Who Do We Invite?

I mentioned in my last post that Liz will have a birthday at the end of this month.  Naturally, I am planning her birthday party.  We're going to do a Fancy Nancy theme.  Very posh.  I'm excited for it, and I know Liz is super excited for it.

The thing is, she's terrified of birthday parties.  Actually, let me clarify that statement.  She's terrified of the number of kids at parties, and especially the singing of "Happy Birthday To You!!"  Her senses get overloaded, and inevitably, there's a meltdown.  And don't even get me started on what happens when we're in a restaurant, and someone there has a birthday.  If we're lucky, we get fair warning, and we excuse ourselves.  If we aren't...well, she becomes nonverbal for awhile, and we end up leaving the restaurant sooner than we planned.  One night, there was an astounding FOUR birthdays, and I thought we were going to have to sedate her. 

Anyway, most of our last behavior therapy appointment was spent discussing how best to get her through this event.  She definitely wants to have a party, so not having one isn't an option.  After forty-five minutes, we came up with a plan:

  1. We won't invite more than five to seven young ladies.
  2. We won't sing.  At all. 
  3. We have an escape plan if she becomes overwhelmed, and shows signs of having a melt down.
  4. We have a schedule that we inform her of, and go over with her repeatedly before the party.
  5. We emphasize the FUN.
  6. We make her involved in every single aspect of the planning of the party.
Friday night, we went to Target, and picked up the invitations, and she picked out a tiara making kit that we can do at her party.  I have such high hopes for this little event.  Say a special little prayer for us, will you?

1 comment:

Teri said...

Here's hoping all goes smoothly and that it's the best birthday party EVER!