Thursday, January 6, 2011

Well, it's started.

When my daughter was put in the hospital for the kidney stone, her neurologist felt that the stone was created a side effect from the Zonegran, so she was put on Tegretol.  I think I've expressed my concern about med switches, and what they usually mean for us.  They scare the crap out of me.  Seriously, I could probably take out a group of zombies, and not bat an eye, but med switches fill me with a fear that leaves my insides quaking.  I don't want her to have seizures.  Period.

There's another side of med switches, though.  Once she's been on a medication for a few days, I can usually sense some personality changes, and I feel like I'm being introduced to a whole new individual.  I have to get acquainted with this new little person.  Her appetite changes.  Her favorite foods change.  Her sleep cycles change.  Heck, even her favorite shows change.  Her temper is affected.  My sweet, easy going little girl is replaced by someone that has emotions that are scarily close to the surface.  She cries at the drop of the hat, and it is nearly impossible to calm her down once she has started.  I feel like a glass wall has been brought down between us, and I can't get to her.  I spend months breaking through the wall, all the time knowing that at any moment she could have a seizure, and it could start all over again. 

In other words, it's my daughter's world.  I'm just living in it. 

Today her teacher emailed me because my daughter is experiencing double vision.  My instincts are telling me that her dosage of this new medicine is too high, so we'll be either doing blood work or adjusting med levels.  If it's not a med issue, I can't even begin to guess as to what is going on with her. 

****I was right...we're adjusting med levels first. 

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