Monday, January 10, 2011

Weekend and Goals for the Week

Well, we made it through the weekend with no seizure activity, and things are looking up for my little one.  She rested most of the day on Saturday, and tortured our poor dogs yesterday, so I'm thinking that she feels much better.  I'm still concerned about another break-through seizure popping up, BUT I'm being cautiously optimistic.  Her new medicine is an extended release version of the Tegretol.  Her doctor believes that because it had been right at twelve hours since her last dosage of medication, and the Tegretol that she was on was the chewable tablets form, she had lowered medication levels in her blood.  So, he hopes that by changing her medication to the extended release version, she'll keep her medicine levels in a therapeutic range for longer.  I'm really, really praying that he is right on the money for this one.  At the very least, his thinking makes sense.

So, goals for the week...I only really have one.  I want her to stay out of the hospital this week.  She's been in the hospital once a week since before Christmas, and I feel like that is a tad bit excessive.  I mean, we recognized the resident that treated her at the ER, and he remembered us.  It is NOT cool to be on first name basis with the ER staff.

As a side note, I have a "What to do if..." meeting/ARD with her school this afternoon.  When she had her seizure last week, I immediately emailed her classroom teacher and went in to talk to the school nurse.  Over holiday break, the school hired a new nurse, and she seems like she's a pretty stellar individual.  When I went to speak with her, there wasn't any of the fear that the previous nurse seemed to hold.  Anyway, her classroom teacher forwarded my email to the school diagnostician, and because her school ROCKS, they're holding an emergency meeting this afternoon after school, AND her seizure action plan has been sent out to every faculty/staff member on campus.  This way there's no chance of her having a seizure, and the adult around her not knowing what to do.  I'm so stinking impressed by that school. 

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