Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Today is the last day of Epilepsy Awareness Month.  I can't believe how active this month has been.  I love how many people are visiting this blog, and how many people are responding to it.  I especially love how the student council in my school has become active, and passionate about epilepsy awareness.  Last night, I thought to myself, "If I ONLY reach the 40 or so kids at his meeting, then I'm successful.  I can be proud of my work."  I'm not stopping, though.  Nope.  We're going to keep this train right on rolling.

Today I can look at my daughter and know that she is the healthiest that she has ever been.  I can sit next to her while she is reading her library book out loud and marvel at how much she has changed and grown in the last few years.  I can look at our journey, and be thankful for the bumps because it makes the smoothness so much sweeter.

I don't know when she'll have another seizure.  The very thought of another one hitting terrifies me, though.  It is so difficult watching your child go through something that you can't protect her from.  I can keep her safe from all kinds of evils, but I can't protect her from her own brain.  It's a long, long road to acceptance of that fact, and while I may be afraid of what could happen at any time, I refuse to dwell on that.  I refuse to feel sorry for myself or her.  We have a good life.  SHE has a good life.  I love embracing that.

Here's to the last day of Epilepsy Awareness Month, and let's hope that what we've learned and the awareness gained lasts all year long. :)

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